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The Center for Socratic Principles Presents:

The New Whig Party

     1/1/2005: Time to ring in the new year with the New Whig Party. Even though we lost this last election, it's tome to pull together for 2008. We'll build or campaign on the skulls of the brown-skinned Arabiacs, just like Ol' Rough 'n' Ready, Zachary Taylor did in 1848. I leave you with one question: Who was J Bultmann? Where have you gone. We miss you and your insight at the Center. You may well have passed on to the great beyond, but you're probably in a better place now. WHY DID YOU LEAVE US? I recommend everybody visit and join the New Whig Party's official Yahoo! club. Peruse the biographies of famous Whigs. Read the Center's essasys which predicted INFALLABLY the attacks on America a full yeat beforehand. We sent our suggestions to DC, and we posted them for all to see, but they went unheeded, leading to the demise of numerous unfortunate Americans. The MV Coho was just a prelude that everybody forgot about. Except us. Remember: Whigs keep you safe. Democrats and Republicans don't. Vote Whig in 2008 or be attacked by Arabiacs in your own home. Your choice.
                                                                                                                   -Brian Horlor 

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