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What's up with Elian?
A new development: I thank the DoJ for its
recent rulings. I have once again regained my faith in American justice.
The relatives lost their custody, finally, and they won't win their appeals.
Elian will go home, and I'm glad.
Here's a point I haven't heard yet: The relatives
say that he'd be better off in America, and that Cuba is terrible under
Castro. Well, I say that most people in this world would be better
off in America. Those emaciated kids in the horn of Africa sure would
be better off here. The Cambodian kids getting limbs blown off by
land mines would be better off here. Chinese kids working in sweatshops
for Kathy Lee would do much better here. However, with our population
only being about 5% of the world's population, we simply can't house the
entire world's population. It's just not feasible. Our only
recourse is to help those countries help themselves and let in only those
whose countries have persecuted them, or at the very least let in only
people who can contribute to society here. I'm sorry, but Vietnamese
who are illiterate in their native tongue and who have only farmed rice
claiming to be refugees from a war that finished 25 years ago shouldn't
be let in just because they say they're refugees. There are more
needy. Elian is not needy.
One more thing: Bautista wasn't much better
than Castro. he was basically a dictator who favored big business and starved
his people. The mob ruled most of Havana, and people lived in slums.
Castro has done more for Cuba than Bautista ever did. Besides, the
reason Cubans starve today is because of our embargo. If that is
repealed, then the quality of living in Cuba will almost certainly get
A cynical (objective) view of the
most idiotic custoDy case in America.
An update: No doubt everybody in America has seen
what Janet Reno did in Miami. Well, we at the Center say "Good Job
Janet!" The action to free Elian from his imprisonment in Miami was
long in coming and I must say that I was pleased. Those mafiosi in
Miami (I call them that because they are a sort of CUban Mafia, in that
they don't stand for any alternate opinions and they get their way by means
of sheer violence) deserved to be sprayed my pepper spray, and worse, I
say. "Elian cried for 3 minutes for something that saved his life,"
Castro said at a rally yesterday. Elian was freed by the last resort,
a method that Reno warned the Miami relatives might be taken if all else
This whole situation was farcical at best from
the get go. Elian should have been shipped home in November or December.
Lazaro Gonzales should have handed Elian over sooner and without a fight.
Those Cuban exiles should protest to their hearts content, but when they
don't get their way, they shouldn't act like animals and riot.
I have never been so proud to be an American.
We beat the evil Cubans, who imprisoned Elian unlawfully, we avoid a catastrophe
like Waco, we won, all around. Enough said.
Here the Photos of Elian:
Click here
for the photos of Elian's rescue
Here's what I said a week ago:
What is kidnapping? A person takes somebody
else against their will and leaves. Simple, yes? In american
today, it is not unheard of for a non custodial parent to run off with
the child. That's kidnapping. it doesn't matter that the kidnapper
is the kid's mom or dad, the point is that they took them. What makes
the Elian Gonzalez case different? Nothing at all. The parents
were divorced. The mother lost custody. She decides to flee
Cuba for Miami. She whisks her son off with her. She dies en
route. In normal circumstances, the father would get the kid back
immediately, but because all those people in Miami are disgruntled about
Castro's regime, they refuse to obey custody law.
Wake up, people. Castro is a non-good man,
but law is law is law. We can't simply say that because his father
is Cuban makes him an unfit father! Since when are all mothers inherently
good? This on obviously isn't. Here's my solution:
Apologize to Sr. Gonzalez
Arrest the people who refuse to leave the area in
front of the Lazaro Gonzalez residence
Take the kid
take the father
take them to DC
Apologize again
put them both on a plane for Cuba
Simple. Obey the law. Don't turn this
into some sort of "issue." Leave the kid alone. Forget the
mother. She was an idiot and a kidnapper. Leave Elian and his
father alone in Cuba. End of story.
And now you know the rest of the story. |